


8 1/2 ” S280G8

Impregnated Diamonds

Bits utilize a unique process where diamond cutters are sintered into a tungsten carbide maxtrix whose composition is matched to formation to be drilled. Impregnated designs continually expose a sharp cutting edge and they are designed from drill medium hard to the hardest, most abrasive formations at a variety of rpm, including rotos, PDMs and turbines.

Radial Flow Hydraulics

Radial flow assures efficient cutting remova l and prevents the bit premature wear. Fluid flowing from bits' axis towards shoulder through a series of parallel and expanding fluid courses cleans and cools diamonds more efficiently.

Maxtrix Body

Bits constructed with tungsten carbide maxtrix bodies are tough and extremely resistant to corrosion and abrasive formations. High pressure drops across bit face, long bit run and a high solid contained in mud are possible with this bit body material. In addition, maxtrix bodies permit greater design flexibility and allow hydraulic programs to be optimized for each application.

Natural Diamond Gauge

Because of their super wear resistance natural diamonds are used for gauge protection. The feature ensures consistence of hole size throughout the entire bit run.